NEW: Linktree, Substack & News

You can now use Linktree as a launchpad to quickly find us on all platforms - and please feel free to contact us if we aren't yet on your favorite platform so we can sign up! We can do our part to slow the spread of censorship by making sure we've got a presence throughout alternative platforms. We're all in this together! Ha.

More Narratives, More Problems

We've also created a Substack, so do follow us over there to hear our longer form ramblings! While we make lots of information available here on the site, and are active on social media, Substack is increasingly being used by many censored voices for blogging and independent journalism.

Make News, News Again

It has become apparent that due to the ongoing centralization of corporate media conglomerates that "the news" really isn't the actual news anymore. Now that they have devolved into little more than weaponized propaganda machines, there is urgent need for true independent media/citizen journalism. As that situation worsens, more alternative outlets and voices are inevitably coming forward.

A news section has now been added to this site, to track and build a historical record of the goings of the new abnormal, and help people who are short on time get a quick view of what's going on, with sources curated from across both the traditional spectrum and alternative spaces.

We're taking censorship seriously by including 4 layers of archival, including a blockchain-based solution and an independent, privately hosted archive. Each news item will contain the outlet, headline, and a short snippet we find relevant, followed by the original source and the 4 archive links. Click on Archive 1 to go straight to the quoted text!

We hope you find this useful. If you do, please share it around!

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